Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Home Teachers to the Rescue!

     Last month I finally got Home Teachers.  Instead of waiting for them to set an appointment with me, I set an appointment with them.  I think sometimes HT don't realize how important it is to single women to have diligent home teachers who actually make a monthly home visit.  Oh, wait, isn't that how it is supposed to be?  Yes, even if an individual or family is doing well, or appears to be doing well, Home Teaching is important.  I have a friend whose marriage and family life appears to be honkey dorey from the outside, but inside the home, the marriage is struggling and testimonies are faltering.  Her Home Teacher came over last month (first time they'd had Home Teachers in several months) and he left a General Conference talk and a challenge.  He had no idea that his simple challenge changed that family.
       I'm sure you are curious about MY new Home Teachers and the title to this blog post.  Well, they came over, as scheduled by me, shared a nice message and asked if there was anything they could do for me.  At the moment, I had nothing, but I assured them I would find something.  Yesterday, I found something.  A dead bird!  Gross!  A dead bird on my back porch.  Ugh.  I have no idea where it came from (well, yeah, the sky, but why was it on my porch?).  I almost puked.  The thought of picking it up caused me to dry heave and run into the house for fresh air that didn't have dead bird air wafting close to my nostrils.  How in the world was I going to get rid of it?  Oh, wait, I was not going to get rid of it...this was a job for the Home Teachers!  Yes!  I had found something for them to do.   I knew they would be thrilled with an opportunity to serve!
        So this afternoon, I called one of my HT's wife's.  I told her about the dead bird on the porch and asked if he could help out.  She assured me her husband could take care of it and as we tried to coordinate schedules, we decided I didn't need to be home and he could come through the back gate and take care of the deceased.
       I got home from work and two of the popsicle kids came over for candy and to look at my garden they helped tend while I was traveling this summer.  I noticed the bird was gone.  Hooray!  The Home Teacher was quick about his daring duty. 
     Now, you may call me a whimp or a sissy, I will proudly claim those titles.  I don't know if I am physically able to handle disposing of a dead bird.  I continue to dry heaved writing this post. 
      I went merrily on my way to our Young Women's activity and after, I received this text from the HT's wife:
      Hey, my husband just got back from your house.  I thought you said it was a bird but he said it was a kitten.  I could have misheard you...I have a hard time understanding other people on the phone.

My response:

     Ah!  It WAS a bird!  It was gone so I thought he came!  Was there a dead cat?!?  EWWWWWWWWWWW!   Did it eat the dead bird ???

Her response:

        Yes, it was a dead kitten.  Maybe the kitten ate the bird.

     Gagging sounds coming from me.   What in the heck?  I had a dead bird AND a dead cat in my back yard!?!?   I had no idea there was a pet cemetery in my backyard.  What a nightmare.   All I have to say is THANK HEAVENS FOR HOME TEACHERS!

"If you’ll think about the families you visit, those of you who are blessed to be called home teachers, you know the help they need is beyond your casual effort."  Elder Henry B. Eyring, April 1998