Sunday, September 9, 2012

Unpack Your Bags

A few years ago, my friend, Tracy, lived in New Orleans while her husband was finishing medical school.  One Sunday, Elder Holland visited and gave a talk in which she related to me that the main point of his talk was, “unpack your bags.”  Paraphrasing what she said to me, Elder Holland said that whenever he was away from home, even in a hotel for a short stay, he'd unpack his suitcase--because that where he was "living" for the day.  He wanted to fully live in the present situation he was in.  
    The area where my friend was living didn’t have many permanent residents.  Several people there were simply living there “to finish school.”  Elder Holland recommended that instead of just living there with the attitude of “Well, I’m only here for a year,” or “We are here just until we finish coursework,” they needed to change their attitudes to live and serve in the present.  They shouldn’t wait until they were living in a permanent situation to serve and become actively engaged, in the church and in the lives of those around them.  This applies to single members of the church as well. 
 One tactic the adversary uses is allowing single people to “ward hop.”  There is serious spiritual danger in this, as well as lost opportunities and blessings.  Satan would like us to “float around.”  Floating does not require a foundation (see Helaman 5:12 and 1st  Nephi 8:26).  When we make the decision of which ward we will attend, we grow roots; we grow relationships.  When we float, we risk forfeiting spiritual nutrients by not receiving callings and not having Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers.  We forfeit endearing relationships and opportunities for service.   Our roots are strengthened and nourished through service.  I know many people my age struggle with deciding between going to a "older single's ward" and a "family ward" and that is a very personal decision.  My advice is to MAKE A DECISION and move forward.  

“I have much treasure in this city for you, for the benefit of Zion, and many people in this city, whom I will gather out in due time for the benefit of Zion, through your instrumentality.
Therefore it is expedient that you should form acquaintance with men in this city, as you shall be led, and as it shall be given you.” (Doctrine and Covenants 111:2-3)

Let us be instrument and unpack our treasures to find our treasures.

Ideas for unpacking:  
  • Make sure you introduce yourself to the Bishop and express a desire to serve.  (you may have to introduce yourself more than once…that’s OK, we can’t expect the Bishop to remember everything and even everyone.)
  • Introduce yourself to the Relief Society President and let her know you would like to be a Visiting Teacher.    
  • Invite women from the Relief Society to go with you to dessert…seriously, chocolate…who can turn that offer down?
  • Invite some of the sisters to go out for dinner (single and married sisters!)
  • Invite a family over and MAKE dinner for them.
  • Make cookies for the speakers in Sacrament Meeting to say thanks for the talk (I got this one from Nick Cash).
  • When you get the Relief Society announcement with the upcoming birthdays, bring the birthday ladies a card or cake.
  • Learn the names of people, including children and elderly.
  • Find the friendless. 
The list is do you "unpack your bags?"

SIDE NOTE: When Hurricane Katrina struck, Tracy (very pregnant), her husband, and toddler were evacuated.  They left their apartment and all their belongings…and never went back.  They moved to Utah to stay with his parents.  The ward they moved into heard that a medical student, his pregnant wife, and small son had just lost everything they owned.  When the young family arrived, there were diapers, clothes, money, etc. collected by ward members to help in this time of need.  


  1. So true - what a great blog! Thanks for starting this! I think I'm still unpacking my bags so I needed this post! :) Although I am more settled now, I realize that others may need help unpacking too and that's a great list to help out others too. thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks! This is a great principle! I feel like the Lord has a multitude of blessings just waiting in the wings, but that are pre-requesite on us to "un-pack" our bags. A great talk given on this very topic
