Sunday, November 18, 2012

38 Days

        38 Days until Christmas.  Did you start your Dedicated Savings Account?  I cashed mine out this last week--Christmas cash is in an envelope, ready to spend.  I also started a new account for next year.  If you haven't started yours yet, you still have time!  BE PREPARED for next Christmas!   (See blog post "Christmas Cash").
           I started a personal Christmas tradition.  I consider it a small gift to the Savior.  I like to read all the talks from the October General Conference by Christmas Day.  I enjoy highlighting quotes that are especially meaningful and writing personal notes in the margins--just like my scriptures because it is modern day scripture.  I also create a personal index on the back for repeated words or topics.  Lately, I have noticed in the last few General Conferences the words "duty" and "responsibility."   I have added these to my personal index so I can review my "duties" and "responsibilities" after I finish reading the talks in the November Ensign
           Every morning that I read a talk, I really feel more energized for the day.  I don't claim to know HOW it works, just that it DOES work.  I am a happier, nicer, more patient, and more hopeful person when I read the words of the living prophets.   The same thing happens when I read the Bible or the Book of Mormon.  The word of God is more powerful than a sword (see Alma 31:5).
         There are 38 talks from the last General Conference (I didn't include the sustainings) and 38 days until Christmas.  I invite you to join with me and read all the talks from the last General Conference by Christmas.  I can promise you that you will feel the love of the Lord more fully in your life.  You will feel closer to Christ and have the POWER to become more like Him.  Like I said, I don't know HOW it works, I just know that it DOES work. I know that I owe much of happiness to reading and applying the word of God (see Alma 44:5).

             I have a similar tradition for the April General Conference, the Conference Ensign comes out in May, so I like to make sure I read all the Conference talks by June 27th--the anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

        "As always, the proceedings of this conference will be available in the coming issues of the Ensign and the Liahona magazines. I encourage you to read the talks once again and to ponder the messages contained therein. I have found in my own life that I gain even more from these inspired sermons when I study them in greater depth."  
President Thomas S. Monson (October 2012 General Conference)


  1. Melanie! You are such an inspiration. I hope I am still allowed on your blog since I am not a single sister, but I want to read it because you have always been a person I have admired.

  2. It was WONDERFUL seeing you at the Temple this morning!! Came home, looked up your blog - and WOW!! Your challenge for reading Conference talks is accepted... but I'll need to read more than one a day to catch up (or extend the deadline a few days to New Years).
    Rebecca T.
