Sunday, March 17, 2013

45 Reasons for a Successful Marriage

       My parents celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary this week.  I composed a list of 45th things my parents have done that have strengthened their marriage.  Each item has its own story.
       I also composed a list of 45 attributes they both have that had has led to their enduring and endearing relationship.  
Both lists are below. 

45 Reasons Why My Parents Have Had
45 Years of Marriage

1.         Holding Hands
2.   6 Kids
3.         Honey-Do-Days
4.         Best Cook in Captivity
5.         22 Grandkids
6.         "Avon Money" (When ever Mom made a purchase and Dad inquired where they got the money, Mom said it was Avon Money--she sold Avon when they were first married...but somehow she always had "Avon Money")
7.         Reading Sunday Comics Together (They refused to take the Desert News for the sole reason that they said the Tribune had better Sunday comics).
8.         Meisha and Snuggle Time (the dog would heard them into the bedroom to sit on bed and snuggle with them).
9.         Going to the Temple Together
10.      Home Teaching Together
11.      Madame Alexandra Dolls
12.      New Soft Reclining Chair and Flat Screen TV  (they snuggle and hold hands while watching shows).
13.      IHOP, Marie Calendars, Red Lobster
14.      Plastic Lobster (hiding it around the house)
15.      Trips to Lewiston and Cedar City
16.      Daily Prayer and Reading Scriptures in Bed Until Elaine Falls Asleep
17.      Traditions
18.      Disneyland and DisneyWorld
19.      Jerusalem
20.      Diane Decker and other inside jokes
21.      Books on CD
22.      Dad’s Gravy
23.      Hospitals in Hawaii
24.      Dad Getting the Ground Ready for Mom’s Garden and Bringing Up Boxes and Boxes and Boxes of Mom’s Decorations
25.      Free Wendy’s Frosties
26.      Monk, Jagg, Bones
27.      Family Reunions
28.      Taking Mom’s Banana Bread and Meals to People
29.      Mom's Gingersnaps
30.      KOSY 106.5, Free Movies, Free Plays, Free Wii, DVD's etc.
31.      Knight in Shining Armor
32.      Copykuahs (They call each other every time their speedometer reads like a palindrome)
33.      Desert Storm (Dad served in the Gulf War and they realized what they could lose, so they really worked on their relationship when he got home).
34.      Kohl’s Coupons, Rebates, Sharing Restaurant Meals
35.      Breakfast with Santa and Cinco De Mayo Parties
36.      Attending Children and Grandkids’ Performances, Games, Programs, etc. Together
37.      Dad Shoveling Snow and Helping with Mom’s Garden
38.      Lunch Love Notes on Napkins
39.      Jake and The Pirates
40.      Grandpa’s Fruit Snacks and Grandma’s Treat Jar
41.      Mom Letting Dad Go Flying
42.      Motorcycle to Salvation Army (Mom was scared of motor cycles and she didn't want to be a widow raising 3 small children if Dad got into an accident, so one day when Dad was at work, she called the Salvation Army to take the motorcycle.)
43.      Front Sight (they attended a fire arms conference together)
44.      UASBO  Trips and District Visits
45.      Sharing "3 Good Things"  Daily  

45 Attributes for 45 Years of a Successful Marriage

1.      Selflessness
2.      Tolerance
3.      Sense of humor
4.      Ability/Willingness to share
5.      Dedication
6.      Cherishing each other
7.      Charity
8.      Honoring each other and the others’ needs/wants     
9.      Gentleness
10.  Forgiveness
11.  Willingness to Sacrifice
12.  Patience
13.  Humility
14.  Kindness
15.  Submissiveness
16.  Faithful to each other
17.  Compassion
18.  Commitment
19.  Devotion
20.  Understanding
21.  Affection
22.  Communication
23.  Flexibility
24.  Support
25.  Ability to make each other laugh
26.  Love
27.  Long suffering
28.  Sympathy
29.  Dedication to religious beliefs
30.  Ability to enjoy life
31.  Dedication to children
32.  Didn’t hold grudges
33.  Equally yoked
34.  Vision
35.  Union
36.  Long suffering
37.  Continually learning
38.  Allowing each other hobbies/interests
39.  Work
40.  Seeking out ways to build each other
41.  Service
42.  Endurance
43.  Foregoing own wants/needs
44.  Spending time together
45.  Honesty


  1. Sounds like TRUE LOVE to me. AWESOME milestone for your family. HORRAY.

  2. Melanie, Your mom & dad are serving a mission here in Gold Beach, OR and our little branch LOVES them! What a fantastic couple. Thanks for sharing about them, I feel like I know them even more after reading this blog article about their marriage. Here they give cookies to everyone! You are so blessed to have them for parents!

  3. I love this post. I could learn so much from your cute parents! And I'm still giggling about the Mary Poppins ear candy. Have I mentioned lately that I adore you and sincerely hope I will grow up to be like you? Xoxo EQ
