Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meet Jack

         I was driving my sister's minivan with several of my nieces and nephews to see the Bountiful Temple one day this summer.  We were on our way home when I saw something so random, I had to stop.  Just by the mouth of the Sessions Canyon Trail, there was an elderly man sitting in a lawn chair next to a mini van playing a trumpet!  The back of the silver mini van was open and huge speakers were set in the back blasting dance music from the 30's.  Who was this guy?  Why was he there?  What was his story?  I made all the kids get out of the van and we were given a private trumpet concert with the backdrop of the summer mountains on one side and a view of the Great Salt Lake on the other.  We applauded his performance and introduced ourselves.

        Jack was a WWII Veteran.  He wore a hat decorated by several war pins.  He had some great stories--I wish I would have written them all down.  He told us that while he serving in the war, he played a German love song on his trumpet while he was in the trenches and it actually saved his life--a young solider from the other side was about to attack, but hearing the music, he was reminded of his young girlfriend at home.  The young German soldier ceased fire and surrendered himself the next day.  Jack also told us about losing his sweet wife many years ago.  Jack, like many of us who have never married, is alone.

          Jack has every right to sit home and wallow in his loneliness and sadness since his wife's passing, yet he made the effort to get out of his house and enjoy life.
         How many times have you seen an old man sitting by himself, playing a trumpet next to a mini van?  This was a first for me!   Like I said, it was so random, I had to pull over.  Jack didn't care with others thought about him or what he was doing.  He had confidence in himself and in God' plan for him.  He did what he loved and in doing so, he blessed my life and the lives of my nieces and nephews.  By doing what we love, without regards to "what others will think about us," we may bless the lives of others and be happier along the way.  We need to take control of our lives and find what makes us happy and MAKE IT HAPPEN.  We can't afford to wait for marriage (or anything else for that matter) to find our happiness.  We need to make our happiness now.

        You may not be able to control your marital status or other significant circumstances, but what in your life can you take control of and change to find more happiness and fulfillment?  What is your trumpet?

"My desire in this message is to offer opportunities for development and happiness for all members, whether married or single. To be in control of your life, to be a success regardless of your marital situation, I recommend that you come to know your Father in Heaven"

                                                                                         -Elder James E.Faust, Ensign, August 2007


1 comment:

  1. Melanie. This is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. I'm just really grateful to you for pulling over and for sharing the experience. Life is so good.
